

In this blog you’ll find tutorials for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and other devices. We’ve put together articles to help you learn about electronics, computing and programming (Python, C++, JavaScript). You’ll also find news about products and technologies, and examples of projects you can carry out.


In the tutorials section, you’ll find articles on using Arduino components, Linux systems such as the Raspberry Pi and other microcontrollers such as ESP32. You’ll also find programming tutorials in C/C++, Python, JavaScript and other languages, as well as software development and web, Android and PC graphical interfaces. You’ll also see tutorials on wired and wireless communication between different systems.

Installing Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi

Installing Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to install the Arduino IDE and CLI software on the Raspberry Pi and combine the strengths of both systems. Check your system configuration To know which version of the IDE to download and install, you need to know the specifics of...

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Training a Yolo model

Training a Yolo model

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to train a YOLO model for object recognition on specific data. The difficulty lies in creating the image bank that will be used for training. Hardware A computer with a Python3 installation A camera Principle We saw in a previous...

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Last articles

Our News section will provide you with informative articles on different technologies and an overview of certain systems.

Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcontroller overview

Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcontroller overview

Raspberry Pi 3 is a microcomputer with an integrated Bluetooth and WiFi module. Very easy to use, it's lightweight and has greater memory and computing capacity than the Arduino. Microcontroller features The Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcontroller uses the quad-core ARMv8...

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Arduino MINI microcontroller overview

Arduino MINI microcontroller overview

The Arduino MINI board has been designed for projects where space is critical and the configuration is fixed. Microcontroller features The Arduino MINI microcontroller uses the ATmega328P microprocessor. This processor operates at a clock frequency of 8(3.3V ver)...

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Arduino NANO microcontroller overview

Arduino NANO microcontroller overview

The Arduino NANO board is a smaller version of the Arduino UNO with similar functionality. Ideal for rapid prototyping and building embedded projects. Microcontroller features The Arduino NANO microcontroller uses the ATmega328 microprocessor. This processor operates...

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Explore our Projects section to discover inspiring projects and creative ideas in the field of electronics and computing. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next project or want to share your own creations, this section is for you.

Measure your home temperature on your smartphone

Measure your home temperature on your smartphone

One interesting branch of robotics is making existing objects smarter which helps in our everyday life. This domain is known as domotics (especially for home) and IoT (Internet of Things) Here is a small domotic project that consists in measuring your home temperature...

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Remote controlled robot

Remote controlled robot

One of the coolest feature in a robot is to be able to control it with your smartphone. Building a remote controlled robot can be easily achieved using Arduino and a Bluetooth module. Material Mobile Robot Rovy 4x TTGM DC Motor driver (here we use a Arduino Mega...

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Program a robot to draw

Program a robot to draw

A good exercise for programmation is to make a robotic arm reproduce a trajectory, such as drawing on a piece of paper. Once you have this knowledge, a robotic arm can be programmed to do anything you want. Material Robotic arm Handy 4x Servomotor SMS1012 Servodriver...

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