The ESP12E Motor Shield is an expansion board that allows an Amica ESP8266 NodeMCU (V2) to drive two DC motors or one stepper motor. We have seen how to drive a DC motor using an H-bridge which can require a lot of wiring when using the simple IC. For an embedded application, like a Willy robot, you will have to drive several motors in parallel. There are Shields for this purpose which will simplify the assembly.
- Computer
- NodeMCU ESP8266 Amica (V2)
- USB cable A Male/B Male
- Blindage moteur ESP12E
- DC motor x2 or Stepper motor x1
Principle of operation
The ESP12E Motor Shield uses the L293D double H-bridge. It allows to drive motors in direction and speed with a nominal voltage between 5 and 36V and a current of 600mA, up to 1.2A with an external voltage source:
This shield allows you to use:
- up to two DC motors or one bipolar stepper motor
- an analog sensor
- I2C, SPI and UART buses

Compatible with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Amica board, the shield is placed directly on the microcontroller. The power supply of the motors is connected to the VM/GND terminal block and that of the board to the VIN/GND terminal block. It is possible to connect the VIN and VM pins with a bridge, if the power supply of the motors is the same as the power supply of the NodeMCU (<10V Max). The motors are connected to the terminal blocks A+,A-,B+,B-.
- D1, D3 (motor A/ Stepper 1,2)
- D2, D4 (motor B / Stepper 3,4)
- Available input A0
- GPIO disponibles sur les broches 0 à 8
In the case of a shield, the connections are predefined. Check the technical documentation of the component to see how to use it.
The motor connections are detailed in the following diagrams.

Management code for a DC motor
To interact with the ESP12E Motor Shield, we don’t use a specific library. You can always create your own library to simplify your code.
/* Board pin | NodeMCU GPIO | Arduino IDE A- 1 5 or D1 A+ 3 0 or D3 B- 2 4 or D2 B+ 4 2 or D4 */ const int pwmMotorA = D1; const int pwmMotorB = D2; const int dirMotorA = D3; const int dirMotorB = D4; int motorSpeed = 500; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); pinMode(pwmMotorA , OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmMotorB, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirMotorA, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirMotorB, OUTPUT); Serial.println("Motor SHield 12E Initialized"); delay(5000); } void loop() { Serial.println("Activate A"); digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, motorSpeed); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, LOW); delay(1500); Serial.println("Reverse A"); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, HIGH); delay(1500); Serial.println("Stop A"); digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, 0); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, LOW); delay(3000); Serial.println("Activate B"); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, motorSpeed); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, LOW); delay(1500); Serial.println("Reverse B"); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, HIGH); delay(1500); Serial.println("Stop B"); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, 0); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, LOW); delay(3000); }
Stepper motor management code
To drive a stepper motor, the motor coils must be activated in a precise sequence. This sequence is described in the nextStep() function.
const int pwmMotorA = D1; const int pwmMotorB = D2; const int dirMotorA = D3; const int dirMotorB = D4; int delayBtwnStep = 3; void setup() { Serial.begin ( 115200 ); Serial.println(); pinMode(pwmMotorA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmMotorB, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirMotorA, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirMotorB, OUTPUT); Serial.println("Motor SHield 12E Initialized"); } void loop() { stepperRotate(10, 0); delay(500); stepperRotate(10, 1); delay(500); } void stepperRotate(int nbStep, int dirStep) { for (int i = 0; i <= nbStep; i++) { if (dirStep == 0) { // sens horaire nextStep(i % 4); } if (dirStep == 1) { // sens antihoraire nextStep(3 - (i % 4)); } delay(delayBtwnStep); } } void nextStep(int index) { if (index == 0) { digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, true); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, false); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, true); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, false); } if (index == 1) { digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, false); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, true); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, true); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, false); } if (index == 2) { digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, false); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, true); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, false); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, true); } if (index == 3) { digitalWrite(pwmMotorA, true); digitalWrite(pwmMotorB, false); digitalWrite(dirMotorA, false); digitalWrite(dirMotorB, true); } }
- Controlling a two-wheeled robot like Willy via a WiFi connection
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