Using AC MotorShield ESP32

Using AC MotorShield ESP32

The ESP32 AC MotorShield is an extension board that allows an ESP32 NodeMCU to drive two DC motors or one stepper motor. We've seen how to drive a DC motor using an H-bridge, which can require a lot of wiring when using a simple IC. For an embedded application, such...

Program ESP32/ESP8266 with MicroPython and VS Code

Program ESP32/ESP8266 with MicroPython and VS Code

We're going to take a look at how to program an ESP32 or ESP8266 board in MicroPython using Visual Studio Code, an IDE increasingly used for programming in a variety of languages. The ESP32 board can be programmed as follows Introducing Visual Studio Code Visual...

Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

We're going to look at how to program an Arduino board using Visual Studio Code, a nice alternative to the Arduino IDE. Programming on the Arduino is generally started using the official IDE. It can be interesting to change code editors to gain access to a wider range...

Installing Linux on an old Windows PC

Installing Linux on an old Windows PC

To give your Windows PC a second lease of life, it may be enough to install Linux (Ubuntu or Debian) to keep the use of your computer. One of the main reasons for changing computers is loss of speed. Sometimes, when you upgrade your OS, hardware and software become...

Shape and color recognition with Python

Shape and color recognition with Python

, The OpenCV library is used for image processing, in particular shape and color recognition. The library has acquisition functions and image processing algorithms that make image recognition fairly straightforward, without the need for artificial intelligence. This...

Creating an ESP32 network with ESP-NOW

Creating an ESP32 network with ESP-NOW

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to set up a network of several ESP32s using the ESP-NOW protocol. The ESP32 is a Wifi-enabled development board. It can therefore connect and exchange data with devices connected to the same network. Hardware Computer NodeMCU ESP32...

Communication between two ESP32s with ESP-NOW

Communication between two ESP32s with ESP-NOW

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to configure two ESP32s to establish communication using the ESP-NOW protocol. The ESP32 is a development board integrating Bluetooth and WiFi. It can therefore connect and exchange data with devices connected to the same network....

Using a DRV8825 stepper motor controller

Using a DRV8825 stepper motor controller

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to drive a bipolar stepper motor using a DRV8825 driver. This tutorial is compatible with stepper motor drivers commonly used in digital milling or 3D printer projects (DRV8825, SilentStepStick, etc.). Hardware Arduino UNO Stepper...

Using an A4988 stepper motor driver

Using an A4988 stepper motor driver

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to drive a bipolar stepper motor using an A4988 driver. This tutorial is compatible with stepper motor drivers commonly used in digital milling or 3D printer projects (DRV8825, SilentStepStick, etc.). Hardware Arduino UNO Stepper...

Measurement filters with Arduino

Measurement filters with Arduino

In electronics, when working with electrical signals such as sensor measurements or audio signals, it is common practice to use filters. These filters are used to modify these signals with a view to correcting, analyzing or evaluating them correctly. This is known as...
